In case you have bought a web hosting package and you’ve got some inquiries connected with a given feature/function, or in case you’ve bumped into some challenge and you require assistance, you should be able to touch base with the respective customer service staff. All hosting companies deploy a ticketing system irrespective of whether they provide other means of contacting them aside from it or not, since the quickest way to solve an issue most often is to open a ticket. This type of correspondence makes the replies sent by both sides simple to track and permits the customer support team representatives to escalate the case in case, for instance, an administrator should step in. Most often, the ticketing system is part of the billing account and is not directly connected to the hosting space, which goes to say that you need to use no less than two separate accounts to touch base with the customer support team and to actually manage the hosting space. Incessantly switching between different accounts might sometimes be a bore, not to mention the fact that it requires a long time for the vast majority of hosting companies to process the ticket requests themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting

In contrast with what you may find with numerous other web hosting providers, the trouble ticket system that we use with our web hosting plans is included in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all accounts. You will not have to remember different logon credentials, since you will be able to manage your tickets and the hosting account itself from one single place. So, in case you have an enquiry or stumble upon a challenge, you can touch base with our support engineers immediately. Our system offers a clever search option. This goes to say that even in case you’ve sent plenty of tickets through the years, you’ll be able to find the one that you need with ease. Plus, you can see knowledge base suggestions for dealing with commonly encountered complications.